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The Louisiana Early Childhood Business Roundtable is a statewide network of business leaders that educates and engages the business community, policy makers and the media to promote early childhood care and education in Louisiana.


Ex-Officio Members

Senator Mary Landrieu

Former US Senator

Senator Willie Mount

Former LA Senator

Paul Bonino, Lake Charles

Owner, Realty Source

Elliot Bouillon, Houston

President & CEO, RES

Wayne Brown, Shreveport

President, Brown Builders

Jim Clinton, Alexandria

President & CEO, Central Louisiana Economic Development Alliance

Rusy Cloutier, Lafayette

Former President, MidSouth Bank

Greg Davis, Sr., Lafayette

Director, Cajun Dome

John Dean, Shreveport

Heard, McElroy and Vestal CPA's

Randy Ewing, Ruston

Former LA Speaker of the House

Billy Haddad, Monroe

SVP, Origin Bank

David Hampton, Monroe

EVP, Progressive Bank

Joe Holyfield, Monroe

President, Holyfield Construction

Linda Holyfield, Monroe

CEO, P&S Surgical Hospital

Sen. Bill Jones, Ruston

Former LA Senator, Author of LA-4 Bills

Pres Kabacoff, New Orleans

President, HRI Properties

Walt Leger Jr., New Orleans

Senior Partner, Leger & Shaw

Tony Ligi, Metairie

Executive Director, Jefferson Business Council Former LA State Representative

Joe Liss, Metairie

CEO, Wisdom Institute

Clair Hebert Marceaux, Cameron

Port  Director, Cameron Parish Port, Harbor & Terminal District

Cherry Fisher May, Lafayette

Publisher, IND Media

Robert McGowen, Shreveport

President, Coutret & Associates

Michelle McInnis, Lake Charles

SWLA Economic Development Alliance

Ricky Miniex, Lafayette

Managing Partner, Simien & Miniex

Michael Olivier, Baton Rouge

CEO, Committee of 100  

Sue Nicholson, Monroe

Executive Director, Monroe Chamber of Commerce

John Peak, Shreveport

Chase (Retired)

Phillip Rebowe, Metairie

Partner, Carr, Riggs & Ingram LLC

Charles Rice, New Orleans

President & CEO, Entergy New Orleans

Randy Roach, Lake Charles

Former Mayor, City of Lake Charles, LA

Randy Robb

Executive Director, Chennault International Airport Authority

Dionne Rousseau, Baton Rouge

Partner, Jones Walker

Dr. Phillip Rozeman, Shreveport

President, Shreveport Chamber of Commerce

Sarita Scheufens, Lake Charles

SVP, ​Iberia Bank

Clyde Simien, Lafayette

Managing Partner, Simien & Miniex

Lynda Nugent Smith, Kenner

LA Board of Realtors

RB Smith, Lake Charles

VP of Workforce Development, Southwest Louisiana Economic Development Alliance

Craig Spohn, Bossier City

Executive Director, Cyber Innovation Center

Michael Tipton, Baton Rouge

President, Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation Louisiana

Kathy Vanveckhoven, Monroe

John Rea Realty

Jacqui Vines Wyatt, Baton Rouge

Cox Communications (Retired)

Contact Us

For more information, please contact Candace Weber at

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© 2021 by the Louisiana Early Childhood Business Roundtable

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